This tool will be very useful if you don't need to install a decoder on your cell phone, tablet or computer. 100% Safe and Secure. You can use it to make payments, submit your feedback, get information about a product or other purposes.
QR stands for "Quick Response" and what it does is to take an image with a QR code and decode the information contained in it, whether it is a URL, email or any text.
It began in 1944 in Japan's automotive industry.
Drag or Click to select image
Paste the URL of the QR image
When the program detects that the image contains a QR code, it decodes the image and identifies the text, which is displayed below in a "Message" box.
In the case of web page addresses (URLs), the program will show you the URL and give you the option to click on the link for you to visit if you feel it is necessary, although we recommend that you proceed with caution when the target web page does not offer much confidence or security.
You can either browse a QR code image locally from your device or go for a QR code image from a URL.
Sure, it works perfectly on Android or iOS. If you access via cell phone, you have the option to scan the code with your front or rear camera.
This app reader for Android, Chrome, Windows, Safari, iOs, Mac... in fact: this decoder is available for all the Operating Systems.
Note: if you access from your cell phone camera, it will be necessary to give permissions so that the application can take the picture and decode it. When you leave this web page the program will no longer be able to access your camera.
Access from your cell phone without the need to install any software to decode the information contained in the QR code.
And best of all, it's free and unlimited. You can use this reader as many times as you require. You can use it online on mobile and desktop also. Our app supports colored QR code images.
This tool decodes the following formats:
When a phone number QR code is scanned, the user will be prompted to dial your contact number keeping privateness and security.
Step 1: Take the cell phone with which you want to perform the scan.
Step 2: Enter this same page:
Step 3: Choose the option that says "From Camera".
Step 4: Click on the "Activate Camera" button: authorize our QR Code reader to use your camera.
Step 5: Point the QR toward it.
Step 6: As soon as the program recognizes the code, it will show you the link or the information that was encoded.
Note: If the app does not detect your code, please, move back and forth slightly again
Step 7: After successfully scanning your code, the result will be displayed.
Some reasons and solutions are as follows:
If you have Android, Google, the owner of Android, may allow you to read QR codes from your cell phone camera. Follow these steps:
It is important to note that the Google Qr scanner only works with the internet, i.e. it is an online application.
In an application that from the data entered by the user, it generates a 2D image in which it encodes the information provided.
The most common uses are for encoding: Website addresses, WhatsApp phone numbers, YouTube Videos, WiFi networks, PDFs, etc.
Use our Online QR Code Generator to make your own code and manage your QR Codes with this app, offering you the best experience at your fingertips. Stop sharing WiFi password one by one and create a WiFi QR Code now!
QR codes can be seen in magazines, flyers, newspapers, menu, etc.and this website provides an online QR Code reader directly in your web browser!!!. This reader will retrieve the information stored within the QR code quickly.
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